
Showing posts from April, 2018

Social Listening - Week Two

Pringles. The only chip company that doesn't sell 95% of air and 5% of chip. The value Proposition for this company is all about the packaging. The pringles packaging is a light weight, a great on-the-go container, and was mainly designed for minimal crushed chips. As Joshua Engel describes, "They're designed to be stacked. Stacking is great, because it means that they support each other during shipping." and later goes on to explain that "Pringles cans are stiff, and since they're packed, dense. That means you can cram more product into less space, saving shipping costs." And for me as a consumer, I love the fact that Pringles are cheap, light weight, and as I refer back to my second sentence, there is more food than there is air. When it comes to taste, who doesn't love the taste of vinegar, bbq, and or jalapeƱo? The Pringles Company has over 101 flavors throughout the world and the classic original as well as the Cheese and Onion being a c

My first Marketing Assignment

About Me : What prompted me to enroll in this course is mainly because it's required in order to needing my certificate. Plus, I do want to start my own business someday so it'll be nice to learn the ups and downs or marketing. I'm not going for a business and or marketing major but I am going for my certificate in Event Management Planning and Social Media Technology so I guess in a way it can be considered a business or marketing major. I'm not really sure what I will be most interested in this term when it comes to Marketing. Since this is my first year of college, I'm still trying to get the hang of things and so really any new class I take is always a different adventure for me so I'm at least hoping to learn something new everyday I step into class! Some things that I am passionate about outside of college has to be sketching, playing soccer, taking care of kids, and just spending time with the people I love. These are the main things that are