My first Marketing Assignment

About Me:

What prompted me to enroll in this course is mainly because it's required in order to needing my certificate. Plus, I do want to start my own business someday so it'll be nice to learn the ups and downs or marketing.

I'm not going for a business and or marketing major but I am going for my certificate in Event Management Planning and Social Media Technology so I guess in a way it can be considered a business or marketing major.

I'm not really sure what I will be most interested in this term when it comes to Marketing. Since this is my first year of college, I'm still trying to get the hang of things and so really any new class I take is always a different adventure for me so I'm at least hoping to learn something new everyday I step into class!

Some things that I am passionate about outside of college has to be sketching, playing soccer, taking care of kids, and just spending time with the people I love. These are the main things that are important to me in my life and with the type of job that I want, I will be able to have a lot of time set aside to where I don't have to be working 24/7 to loose sight on what is really important.

Marketing in the News:

"How does Olive Garden sound?" When hearing those words, does your mind wander? Does your mouth start getting watery just thinking about the never ending salad, soups, and breadsticks that are served? Or what about the pastas that they also serve so delicately?

Well, thats what happens to me. Every time I hear the words "Olive Garden" my mind automatically goes to the breadsticks, the salads, and the amazing spaghetti, the dishes that I get every time I go. Being forty-five minutes away from the nearest restaurant though, going to Olive Garden is sort of rare for me so when I go, I fall in love every single time and that is what attracted me to the article...

"Olive Garden's Selling A 12-Ounce Meatball"

The 12-Ounce meatball product comes after "the bigger, the better" motto and is considered the "Newest Hulk-Sized dish, and it caters to pasta lovers." It is a 12-ounce meat ball compared to the normal 2-ounce sizes that they originally serve and is served on top of a portion of Manicotti that is stuffed with four different cheeses. The 12-ounce meat ball is Olive Garden's new meal but will only be available til May 27th.

A lot of people enjoy their meat whether it be steak, burgers, chicken, and or even meat balls. A lot of people also enjoy their carbs and absolutely LOVE their pasta! Olive Garden are trying to attract meat and pasta lovers and although it wasn't her best one she's had, even meatball lover Maria Yagoda said "I've had better ones in South Philly and in my own kitchen, but this one hit the spot." (We Tried Olive Garden's New Giant Meatball, Food&Wine, April 5th.)

As described in the beginning, there was a motto, "The Bigger, the Better" and that Olive Garden was "No stranger to crazy meals." They are trying to express the market of being bigger. Trying to make sales better and make something that no one has seen or thought about before.

Although everybody and every company wants to be better and bigger in their own way, sometimes being that way can come with challenges. For instance, just the insane idea that someone would serve a 12 ounce meat ball, "equivalent to six tennis balls," is a big challenge. Although it doesn't say, I'm assuming that another challenge or obstacle that the headquarters of Olive Garden face is the pricing. Nothing is ever cheap, especially in this day and age, and it doesn't look to be going down anytime soon either. I'd assume that's why the 12-ounce meatball will only be here till May 27th because although the meatball may be a great idea, it is most likely pretty pricey to keep around for a long time.

This whole marketing idea in general was unique because, I mean come on, it's a 12-ounce meatball for crying out loud! What restaurant thinks that it would even work? Olive Garden did an awesome job at this new marketing strategy and their conclusion was even amazing, leaving me wanting more!

"... Because if you're not rolling out of there, is it really an Olive Garden Meal?"

It's just seems to be another thing that you look at and go "Man, why didn't I think of that? That's awesome!"

If I was the brand/product manager of this whole situation, I'm gonna be straight up and say that I feel like I wouldn't make this article as awesome as it was. I'm still shaking my head because I still can't get over with the whole fact that someone came up with the idea that a 12-ounce meat ball would go great with a four cheese stuffed Manicotti. I think that the motto and the quoting for this article was brilliant.

Doing this assignment, I've learned that having your own blog and writing about things is actually a little harder than I thought it would be. I think this assignment was good though because it helps you learn about things you probably wouldn't of even bothered taking a second look at until you were told to.

                                              a person holding a plate of food: Olive Garden’s Selling A 12-Ounce Meatball’s-selling-a-12-ounce-meatball/ar-AAvt0pR


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